How can you get your students engaged and learn how to use technology with little to no prep? Try and use THIN SLIDES! It is an amazing EduProtocol from the amazing Jon Corippo & Marlena Hebern. They describe it as "a strategy that is easy enough to be used frequently but open-ended enough to be creative!" The idea is to have students create a slide with a word or phrase then add an image to represent the concept.
The teacher will give the directions on what topic, vocabulary word, or idea they would like students to use to create an engaging slide. They get
5 minutes in a shared Google Slide deck to add one word or phrase and one image.
The students can write a quick sentence in the speaker note section at the bottom of the slide for their 8-10 seconds of presenting.
Teachers can spend more time on what the students have created rather than having the teachers be the "Sage on the Stage." It gives you more of a coaching role in students' learning and allows you to guide them in the right direction.
Kid Centered
It helps SPED & ELs learn visually
Critical Thinking
Used across the curriculum
Immediate Feedback
Everyone Answers
Integrates Technology
Loved by Kids!!