Monday, March 30, 2020

Item Analysis....Time to look for trends

Hey All!

In case you haven't heard, the Ohio State Tests have been canceled for this school year.  Also, we don't yet know when we will back to school.  Being away from students and classes isn't easy and thinking about testing is enough to make you go crazy.  So what can we do that is productive during this time?  Well, how about using past data to plan and prepare for our students needs?  Now you can do just that.  Using the past OST results from fall of 2017 through fall of 2019, we can dive into a multi-year data analysis with this new visualization in Tableau:  17-19 Item Analysis

How can I use this?  Easy.  Start at the top left and select your school, discipline, test and standard.  You are diving deep into the weeds by narrowing this much and each selection narrows the options in the next box moving left to right.  Below is a sample: 

You can see how the students performed (the % of students who received each point value) on each administration (Fall2017, Spring 2018, etc.)

To get a better look, we need to look at the Item / Content Statement.  That is below: 

Here I selected 3 Items.  These are items that are almost identical.  They have slight wording differences based on changes in standards(revisions made between years) and different point values(1, 2, 3 or 4).  You can't see it in this view, but you will when you are in tableau.  

This will allow you to see how students performed on individual items / content statements over time.  As a general guideline, most questions are 1 point.  Some are 2 points and very few are 3 or 4 points.  It would be best to look at the % of students earning 0 points and focusing on the changes in that for each administration.  

If you have any questions on how to use this visualization or have questions about the data, please feel free to reach out and we can walk through it together.  


Monday, March 23, 2020

Learning From Home Resources

Do you have parents asking for more resources? Let's give them some

When you are teaching from home, you should you the same routine you used at school. Please try not to introduce a bunch of new technology resources because everyone will be confused. There is always a learning curve when using technology. Right now there are so many websites and blogs giving you a million different resources, it is confusing! I am going to try and list some resources by topic. This doesn't mean to just automatically share with students, but it will help narrow it down by topic what you might want to use.
*If your students use Clever, you can add links to your Clever page. Click here for directions to add a link in CLEVER!

District Resources

If you do not know about all the resources the district has purchased, click here to see what resources the district has purchased for you and the students.



Social Studies



Videos, Interactive Lessons and Interactives on Music topics PreK-High School

Health & Physical Education


Videos, Interactive Lessons and Interactives to build foundational skills for Preschoolers

Educational Sites

Starfall- ELA & Math activities for Pre-K-3


  • PBS Kids- K-2
  • PBS Learning Media- FREE standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for  PreK- High School
  • Hippocampus- Over 7,000 videos explaining aspects of High School academics including Math, Science, History, & English

Remote Learning Help!

Need some tips for the Remind app? 

How to upload a video to Remind*special thanks to Amanda Whitmore at MLK for these two resources

Basic Remind  Video Below- adding people, send a message, attach documents, identify parents

Zoom Tips and Tricks

Meeting Norms for Teachers and Students
Click here for a video on starting a zoom meeting
Resources on using Zoom (scroll to the lower right) 

Need some tips for using Google Classroom?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Math Teacher ALERT!

Teachers never have enough resources. One of the hardest things for a teacher to do is find quality resources. It's hours of search, search, search! Oftentimes with no luck. Well, let me introduce you to Quantiles will allow you to find lessons resources according to standard. These resources may be a variety of types, such as worksheets, videos, interactive games or Illustrated Math lessons.

What I love about this resource is that once you select a standard it gives you a "Knowledge Cluster" which contains prerequisite, supporting and impending standards for your students. If you need to differentiate a lesson for a particular standard this gives you options for remedial, on grade level and advanced resources.

Accounts are free, but there is a paid version. The good thing is that an account is only $18 per year. Here is a quick tutorial on how to find resources on the site.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Padlet, NOT just for Productivity

Padlets tools that you can create on their website
Padlet is a powerful digital discussion board tool. Padlet can be used to collaborate and communicate ideas to a group in multiple ways such as discussion walls, back channels, streams, and TIMELINES!

It's FREE and easy to use. The ability to manipulate the posts is key to creating an optimal interactive discussion with a group. Here is a tutorial about setting up and creating your own Padlet. Click on the video or scan the QR code. 

QR scan code for Padlet
I created my own interactive timeline of my professional career. Click Here